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Working from home, a newbie's guide.

At Social Centric, working from home is a fact of life for all of us. But for those of you who are new to the at-home-hustle, it can be tough! Our Social Media Coordinator and research extraordinaire, Lachlan Burr did some major intel into some of the best ways to stay productive and we hope they help!

1. Routine:

As much as we dislike routine at times, it’s important for productivity. Strive to wake-up at a decent hour and no matter how much you want to stay in your PJ's, shower up and get dressed. Getting dressed in the morning is important for your self-esteem and tells your brain that it is time to be productive. It also curves the desire to nap or lounge when it’s time to work! Set a schedule. When working from home, structure your time so you aren’t tempted to work all hours. After a day of productivity, reward yourself with something that makes you happy.

2. Create a workspace:

Prepare a space where you eliminate as much distraction as possible. Pick a spot in your home where you will be able to focus. Avoid working from your bed or on the couch! Take advantage of an extra bedroom, spare corner, or even a dining room table is a great option. Go ahead and add personal touches such as soothing background music to alleviate stress and anxiety or a diffuser to ignite your senses.

3. Eat healthy.

We know, pass the chips right? But if there was ever a time to take care of your body, its now. A well-balanced diet is essential in ensuring your physical and mental health isn’t being compromised during a time when a certain virus is rampant. Don’t let yourself get hungry and be certain that you are eating proper meals throughout the day and staying hydrated. Meal prepping is still a great option to stay on track and Friday can still mean treating yourself.

4. Move your body or challenge your mind.

It can be as simple as stretching/meditation breaks throughout the day to maintaining some kind of timeframe when you go for a walk or do a workout. Doing some sort of physical/mind-based activity during the day is vital for our mental health and will help mitigate boredom and frustration. Set some time aside every day to connect with yourself and intuitively move your body or mind.

5. Keep your environment organized:

They say a cluttered space is a cluttered mind. While working from home, a disorganized atmosphere can lead to feeling anxious and distracted. Keeping a tidy atmosphere is key to minimizing stress and maximizing your efficiency. Continue a regular cleaning routine to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Afterall, a clean environment is essential for your well-being and productivity.

How do you stay productive while working from home?

If you have any tips, we would love to hear them!

Stay safe and stay productive friends!

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